Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg (ages 8 and up)

Full of eye-catching graphics and simple text, this wonderful book is inclusive and far-reaching, drawing readers in by exploring bodies, gender, safety, and sexuality. Not terribly graphic, it deals with sexuality as an expansive concept, while still providing plenty of thought-provoking conversation starters. It’s a book an older child can explore independently, but works even […]

Consent: It’s as Simple as Tea (ages 11 and up)

This funny viral video uses various tea-based scenarios to illustrate the nuances of consent for tweens and teens. Somewhat reductive in its metaphor, it is nevertheless amusing and relatable to most adolescents. Great way to start a conversation about the more unsettling aspects of sexual consent.

Girls and Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape by Peggy Orenstein

This best-selling book by award-winning journalist Peggy Orenstein sheds a somewhat disturbing light on female sexuality in the modern age. But that’s not all, she also makes the case for fearless comprehensive sex education. Though the author profiles older subjects, it’s worth a read, since the bulk of conditioning and attitude-shaping happens in the early […]