Congratulations to the PTA Officers and Newly-Elected SLT Members!

Thank you to everyone who came to our Election Meeting on Monday night. It was a fantastic turnout and we were able to accomplish a lot in preparation for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. Our school community owes a huge thanks to our nominating committee, Becki Maisch and Laura Kenney, who were thoughtful throughout this process and who worked hard to make it a success. Our PTA membership elected a wonderful new group of parent representatives. We are pleased to announce the 2024-25 PTA Officers and the elected School Leadership Team (SLT) parent members:

PTA Officers

Our PTA Officer positions are below. We had two contested seats — Lower School Liaison and Volunteer Coordinator (Parent Liaison Coordinator). There was an election for these two seats, while the other seats were uncontested and approved by the PTA membership:

  • Co-Presidents – Kay Davis (returning) & Sarah Leer
  • Co-Treasurers – Kelly Pontano (returning) & Heather Blumberg
  • 3 Co-VPs of Fundraising – Chandra Sweet (returning), Dre Willardson (returning) & Paula Spadaccini
  • Volunteer Coordinator (Recruitment) – Bridgette Blair
  • Volunteer Coordinator (Parent Liaison Coordinator) – Cameron Amstater
  • Kindergarten & Lower School Liaison – Letitia Hazell
  • Corresponding Secretary (Email Communications) – Casey Cooper (returning)
  • Corresponding Secretary (Website Communications) – Leslie McQueen (returning)
  • Recording Secretary – Brianne Hayes (returning)
  • Co-VPs of Technology – Par Trivedi (returning) & Becca Felsenthal (returning)

Congratulations to all and thank you for your commitment to PS 321!

SLT Parent Members

We had 5 candidates and elected the following 3 to the SLT:

  • Tara Gallagher
  • Jennifer Halpin
  • Melissa Herman

Congratulations to our newly elected SLT members. We thank you for your commitment to PS 321 and know that you will be strong and thoughtful advocates for our students and parents. We would also like to thank all of the candidates who ran for SLT Parent Representative. This year, we were fortunate to have an incredible slate of talented and engaged candidates, all of whom would have made a great addition to the SLT. Even if you were not elected to the SLT this time, our school community benefits from your contributions and we hope you remain involved and participate in the process in the future.

Thank you to all of you who participated last night and we hope that you will continue your involvement with the PTA. Our school community is made stronger when we hear from more voices and have broader participation.