Disney on Ice: January 17 & 18
Step inside the magical adventures of Disney’s Frozen & Encanto as they are brought to life like never before at Disney On Ice. Purchase tickets for either Friday, January 17th at 7:00 pm or Saturday, January 18th at 7:00 pm shows. Tickets start at $43 each, plus a service fee, and are available HERE – a portion […]
Kids Art Fundraiser Shop is Open
We are excited to once again have our Kids Art Fundraiser, now with Art to Remember! This week, you will receive a personalized order form in your child’s red folder with a copy of their art. This is a great way to give back to the school while checking off some of your holiday shopping to-dos. […]
Fall Picture Day Photos Are Ready
The photos from Fall Picture Days are in! This is an important fundraiser – our school gets a percentage of each order. If you would like to look up your child’s photos online, please visit PictureDay.com and enter the following code: Q476713 + the first 3 letters of the child’s first name + the first 3 letters of […]
Buy a Tree from Foley Firs and Support PS 321
If you are planning to purchase a Christmas tree this holiday season, Foley Firs is donating $10 for every tree sold to the PS 321 PTA. Just mention PS 321 when you purchase your tree and sign the school’s fundraiser list and our PTA will receive the donation. Their tree stand is located on the corner of […]
Brooklyn Nets Game
Join PS 321 to watch the Brooklyn Nets take on the Orlando Magic on Sunday, December 1st at 3:30pm at the Barclays Center. Tickets start at $46 each, plus a service fee, and available HERE – a portion of each ticket purchased will go to support the PS 321 PTA! There are a variety of ticket options […]
Shop Minted and Support PS 321
Using our unique code FUNDRAISEPS321, you can get 20% OFF all your Minted holiday card & gift purchases—and for every order placed, Minted will donate 15% back to PS 321. To participate, simply visit minted.com/holiday to start your holiday shopping. Apply code FUNDRAISEPS321 at checkout to claim your 20% discount. It’s that easy! Please feel free to […]
Annual Coat Drive Is Coming Up
The cold weather is here, and many New Yorkers don’t have coats to keep them warm. Take some time to clear out your closets while also helping others. Collect gently used coats from your family members and friends at Thanksgiving. We will be collecting clean and gently used coats for children and adults from December […]
Sign Up to Volunteer at the 321 Holiday Shop
The annual 321 Holiday Shop is Saturday, December 7th from 10-5 pm. We need help from volunteers to pull off this important fundraiser for our school! Sign up HEREto volunteer, whether it’s for a short shift or to help out all day long. We promise you’ll have fun volunteering and you can cross off your holiday […]
Bake Something Sweet for the 321 Holiday Shop Bake Sale
Planning on baking some festive treats this holiday season? Why not make a little bit extra for the 321 Holiday Shop Bake Sale on Saturday, December 7th? 100% of bake sale proceeds and donations will go directly to our school’s 321 Cares Program, which offers scholarships to PS 321 families in need for after school, […]
12/1: Brooklyn Nets Game
Join PS 321 to watch the Brooklyn Nets take on the Orlando Magic on Sunday, December 1st at 3:30pm at the Barclays Center. Tickets start at $46 each, plus a service fee, and available HERE – a portion of each ticket purchased will go to support the PS 321 PTA! There are a variety of ticket […]