Consent: It’s as Simple as Tea (ages 11 and up)
This funny viral video uses various tea-based scenarios to illustrate the nuances of consent for tweens and teens. Somewhat reductive in its metaphor, it is nevertheless amusing and relatable to most adolescents. Great way to start a conversation about the more unsettling aspects of sexual consent.
“How to Teach Consent to Kids in 5 Simple Steps” by Michelle Dominique Burk, Everyday Feminism
A few rules you can discuss with kids that can help them understand the basics of consent and help them react appropriately when faced with new situations
“Why Sexuality Education is an Important Part of a Safety Plan”
All children are curious about sex. The more children know about their own sexuality, the less likely it is that others will take advantage of them because of their lack of knowledge.
Website on safety, sexual abuse and healthy stages of sexual development