School Leadership Team

The School Leadership Team (SLT)

For over 20 years, PS 321 has had a form of school-based management, the School Leadership Team, or SLT. The SLT is composed of administrators, teachers, and parents who meet monthly and work collaboratively on the school’s budget and the Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP), which includes the school’s goals and objectives. It also provides a forum where issues specific to the PS 321 community can be addressed.

 All SLTs must have an equal number of parents and staff. Elections for parent members are held after the PTA elections each spring. The Principal, a PTA Co-President and a UFT representative (or their designees) are automatically on the team.

 The SLT encourages involvement from members of the school community, and welcomes attendance at its meetings. The agenda for each meeting is posted in the Tuesday Bulletin the week prior to the meeting.  Questions or comments for the SLT may be left in the SLT section of the PTA folder located in the main office.

The 2024-25 School Leadership Team 


  • Liz Phillips
  • Avis Akerson
  • Karen Bacal
  • Michelle Garcia Sibio
  • Jacqueline Hughes
  • Melissa DiPinto
  • Sara Despres



  • Greta Rosenblum
  • Stephanie Sellers
  • Allison Yarrow (IEP parent representative)
  • Diane Zelenka
  • Tara Gallagher
  • Jennifer Halpin
  • Melissa Herman
  • Kay Davis