
Below are the following ways to communicate with our community about an issue or an event.

Please use the form below to submit any communication requests for an event or programming that you are co-chairing or heading.

Please note you must have approval for graphics or language prior to submitting your needs.

Tuesday Bulletin

The Tuesday Bulletin is now an Opt-Out weeekly PS 321 newsletter that provides important school updates, announcements, PTA events, and links to resources. If you need to resubscribe, please click Tuesday Bulletin.

If you are on a committee or co-chairing an event, you must complete this form to be included in the Tuesday Bulletin.

If you have questions about Tuesday Bulletin content, please contact the PTA Corresponding Secretary,

PTA Email Blasts

PTA email blasts are individual emails sent through Mailchimp by the PTA Communications Officer. Please sign up for Tuesday Bulletin to also get PTA email blasts.

If you are on a committee or co-chairing an event, you must submit the appropriate information and images.

Please note that PTA email blasts are made via Mailchimp and are not sent via Operoo, which is the official school communication mode.

If you have questions about PTA email blasts, please contact the PTA Communications Officer,

PS 321 Social Media Posts

Social media posts for PS321 are a useful way to get your information out for your event. If you have questions about PS 321 social media posts, please contact the PTA Recording Secretary,

PTA Volunteer Interest

Fill out our volunteer form, and/or email our PTA Volunteer Coordinator (, with questions.