Show Your Love with a Donation to Fund 321

We’re hoping to share our love with the teachers, administrators and staff at PS 321 with a Wall of Hearts. For every $100 donated to FUND321, the PTA will add another heart to the Wall. Our goal is to raise $1,550 by the end of February which represents one heart for each of the 155 PS […]

Start Your Year with a Gift to Fund 321

After the first half of the school year, the PTA ended up at 82% of their mid-year fundraising target, but still at just 42% of the overall Fund 321 fundraising goal. Please start 2024 with a tax-deductible donation to Fund 321 to support teachers and the school’s enrichment programs! Your gift of any amount makes a difference, so please give […]

Start Your Year with a Gift to Fund 321

We want to extend a big THANK YOU to all who contributed to Fund 321 during our mid-year push: thanks to your generosity, we ended up at 82% of our mid-year target. Your support means we are on our way to providing PS 321 with essential funds, but we are still at just 42% of our overall Fund 321 […]

End Your Year with a Gift to Fund321

Help us reach our Fund321 goal! Fund 321 raises more money than any other fundraiser the PTA holds, yet we have only reached 21% of our goal which goes towards funding the important enrichments and educational programs that make PS 321 the exceptional school that it is! Please consider a tax-deductible donation to Fund 321 as part of your […]

Turn Up the Heat on Fund321

Help us reach our Fund321 goal! Fund 321 raises more money than any other fundraiser the PTA holds, yet we have only reached 21% of our goal which goes towards funding the important enrichments and educational programs that make PS 321 the exceptional school that it is! Please consider a tax-deductible donation to Fund 321 as part of your […]

When it pours…

Friday was a wild, wet day and we hope that everyone has had a chance to dry out! Many of you have asked how you can help. For those who can, please consider donating to Fund321. The PTA speaks often of how Fund321 supports programs in the arts, family events, professional development for teachers, and smaller class sizes. […]

Set up Monthly Donations to Help FUND321

Monthly gifts provide an easy, flexible way to make a big impact all year long. To make a recurring donation or to donate using a credit card, DONATE HERE. Don’t forget to ask your employer if they will provide a match for charitable donations. 100% of Fund321 dollars go to the school and all donations are fully […]