(ages 9-16)
Videos galore on a range of sexuality-related subjects. a collaboration of several highly regarded organizations, including Advocates for Youth and Answer. Not every video is appropriate for every age, so they tag each with an age guide to help steer parents and educators.
Tell Me About Sex, Grandma by Anastasia Higginbotham (ages 8 and up)
Unusual and visually compelling picture book from an author who tackles other sensitive topics with similar aplomb and grace (she has books on death, divorce and race, too). Written in a voice that honors the kinds of real thoughts and questions kids actually have.
Guy Stuff: The Body Book for Boys (ages 8 and up) by Dr. Cara Natterson
A practical guide to puberty-related changes in biologically male bodies, it covers a lot of ground. The emphasis is on self-care, not sex/sexuality.
What’s Happening to Me? Boys’ Edition by Alex Firth, Susan Meredith, illustrated by Adam Larkum (ages 10 and up)
Well written, approachable, covers many of the most common (and hard-to-ask) questions, BUT heavily communicates heterosexuality as the norm, only VERY briefly mentioning the possibility of same-sex attraction. The illustrations suggest it’s for very young kids, but the content is fairly comprehensive, including sex/sexuality.