Help Us Get Ready for Back to School

This summer, PS 321’s Kindergarten and 1st grade classes will be making the move into the Lower School on President Street. We will be receiving the upcoming year’s classroom supplies for both locations at the 7th Avenue school. We will need your help to unpack classrooms and deliver supplies before the new school year begins […]

Donate to 321 Staff Gala Tickets + Volunteer + Prom Photos & More

– The gala is only 2+ weeks away and we are looking for more $$$ to fund the 321 staff tickets. – Additionally, you can buy reusable corsages and boutonnieres for more party fun!– Online auction items can be submitted through Monday, March 25th, and the auction begins April 1st. Please register to bid for the online auction which is open to everyone! – […]

Sign Up to Be A Learning Friend

Learning Friends are volunteers who spend one class period a week (~45 minutes) working one-on-one with a student. Most Learning Friends help their students with reading, writing or math, or a combination of the three. You may help your student focus on a specific classroom project, or just spend time reading together. We currently have […]

Volunteer in the Library

Parent Library Volunteers are needed to help with shelving books, assisting with cataloging books and general library “maintenance” –reorganizing misplaced books, dusting shelves, cleaning tables etc. If you can commit to one specific period weekly, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact our school librarian for more information.

PTA General Meeting & Volunteer Fair

Want to know more about PS 321? Want to learn about how you can be more involved in our school? Join us on Thursday, September 21st at 6:30 pm for our PTA General Meeting & Volunteer Fair. With opportunities big and small, there is something for everyone!